Enforcement of trademark and property rights

Enforcement of trademark and property rights

Enforcement of trademark and property rights

Trademark Enforcement Services

  1. Trademark Monitoring and Surveillance
    • Continuous monitoring of trademark databases.
    • Watching for unauthorized use of trademarks.
    • Reporting and advising on potential infringements.
  2. Cease and Desist Letters
    • Drafting and sending cease and desist letters to infringers.
    • Negotiating settlements to cease unauthorized use.
  3. Administrative Actions
    • Filing oppositions against infringing trademark applications.
    • Initiating cancellation or revocation actions against registered trademarks.
  4. Customs Enforcement
    • Registering trademarks with customs authorities.
    • Coordinating with customs to intercept counterfeit goods.
  5. Online Brand Protection
    • Monitoring online marketplaces and social media for infringement.
    • Takedown services for infringing listings and content.
    • Domain name monitoring and UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy) actions.
  6. Litigation Support
    • Representing clients in court for trademark infringement cases.
    • Handling appeals and enforcement of court decisions.
  7. Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Mediation and arbitration services to resolve disputes out of court.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights Enforcement Services

  1. IP Audits and Risk Assessment
    • Conducting comprehensive IP audits to identify assets and potential risks.
    • Advising on strategies to mitigate risks and enhance protection.
  2. IP Portfolio Management
    • Maintaining and updating IP portfolios.
    • Strategic advice on IP asset management and commercialization.
  3. Patent Infringement
    • Monitoring for patent infringements.
    • Conducting investigations and gathering evidence.
    • Filing patent infringement lawsuits and defending against allegations.
  4. Copyright Enforcement
    • Monitoring for unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
    • Sending cease and desist notices.
    • Initiating lawsuits for copyright infringement.
  5. Trade Secret Protection
    • Advising on measures to protect trade secrets.
    • Investigating breaches and misappropriation.
    • Litigating trade secret violations.
  6. Anti-Counterfeiting Measures
    • Developing anti-counterfeiting strategies.
    • Coordinating with law enforcement and private investigators.
    • Organizing raids and seizures of counterfeit goods.
  7. Training and Education
    • Providing training programs on IP rights and enforcement.
    • Educating staff and stakeholders on recognizing and responding to infringements.